Sunday, 9 September 2012

Shirt Style Up

Classic Fred Perry Shirts

Right guys, find the insiders to help you, or your lovely male friends, look fresh this season. Here are the style updates on how to work that classic shirt. 

Tips on Buying an Office Shirt
If you want to maintain a professional image at work, there’s nothing quite as effective as wearing a quality shirt. Whilst some men seem to naturally and instinctively know what looks good and how to wear a shirt to radiate professionalism and respect, other men can be deemed clueless when it comes to buying and wearing a shirt for the office.
If you or you man is of the latter inclination, then a few easy to follow rules will help you to find the perfect shirt for any formal occasion.

Long or Short Sleeves
Unless the weather is extremely hot, it’s best to wear a long sleeved shirt to the office. Long sleeved shirts generally look smarter and more professional than short sleeves and there is usually a lot more choice with long sleeves too.
For example, although classic Fred Perry shirts come in both long sleeves and short sleeves, there is a wider selection of long sleeve shirts, particularly in the forthcoming autumn/winter collection.

Opt for Spread Collars
Whilst many men can tend to overlook the collar, it is a significant feature of a shirt and one that can help you to gain or lose respect.  
Spread collars are typically more contemporary and fashionable. They are great for accentuating a tie too – a must if you are hoping to strike a truly professional look.  

Select an Appropriate Fit
You may be wearing an ultra-stylish, quality shirt, but no matter how trendy it is, if it doesn’t fit you well it will not exude professionalism.
It is important that you consider the neck size of your shirt as this will affect the overall impact of the shirt’s size. A larger neck will be wider in the body and around the back.
There is nothing quite as unstylish at work as a shirt that is too big. For men with a slighter frame and trimmer physique opting for a more fitted shirt can help to draw attention away from your slim build. Men with larger physiques can also opt for a fitted shirt just so long as it is not too closely fitted over any less desirable or ‘problem’ areas. 


  1. Great post, shirts are so hard to buy! X

  2. I love men to dress well, kiss Guapa!
    pasate to my blog

  3. I like Fred Perry but my man would wear something a little more Italian.



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